After I settled myself in the cafe, ordered a vegan wrap, tea and some treats I realised that I couldn't connect to WIFI as the signal was too weak. Bummer! so no blogging. But I managed to write the conclusive chapters of the new book.
As I sat there , I watched people walking in and out of McDonald's, whole families. Kids, elderly, various skin colour, probably several nationalities. It brought up a memory of last summer and people who we meet on holiday. They were an ordinary middle class family, and we really enjoyed their company. But they also found it very strange to understand our lifestyle, not only them but I come across a lot of people who don't understand, some are curious some are just in denial. I thought it would be a good to share some questions and answers I come across everyday.
1.Why are you doing it to your children?? They cannot be healthy right?
hmmm... yes well, I don't do it to my kids, my children have a free will and they choose to be like me, my soon tried chicken once, but after he realised it was actual wings flapping chicken he vomited it after. My children choose what they eat, they have a choice. Stop judging me on being a horrible demanding parent and realise they are not forced into any of this. If my kids turn up one day to be meat eaters thats fine, they will choose for themselves.
When it comes to health, statistically speaking my kids are super healthy, they eat a lot of plant based protein and carbs, also their diet is high in fibre and vitamins. Their tummies are full and their digestion is top notch. They have no major health conditions, no eczema, etc. They thrive and they are intelligent and happy. How can this be bad for them???
2. So u don't eat meat? No eggs?? No cheese?? So what do you eat ? salad??
( long loud laugh). yes, I eat salad, I also eat food. Being vegan doesn't mean eating grass, it means choosing food which is plant based and not animal based. It always makes me laugh when I see someone stuffing their mouth with ribs or chicken wings and then they claim to be animal lovers. Humph , ok, how is eating a cow or a pig different than eating a dog of your beloved cat???

excuse me??? no treats??? when you are a vegan all you have is treats LOL. but being serious, yes we have treats, we have pancakes, we have cake, we have sweets. Remember sugar is plant based :-D
4. What do you eat when you go out???
Fair question, very hard to eat out when you are a vegan, but manageable. You have to make sacrifices but places are getting more and more vegan friendly. Today I managed to gather a vegan falafel wrap, tea, vegan biscuits and grapes. Not much?? a real feast. All you have to do is check the ingredients.
5. Are you allowed booze??
Many alcoholic drinks, such as beer and wine, will have been clarified/ stabilised (fined) using animal derived products, causing concern for vegetarians and vegans. Fining agents are used as a processing aid (as opposed to an additive) which means in theory none should remain in the final product; however this is impossible to guarantee. But vegan alcohol is available, jus again check the label.
6. Must be very hard and expensive to buy all those fruit and veg.???
Its not cheap, but it can be easily managed on the household budget. You can buy in local farm shops and markets, plus buying in bulk is often better .
Its just a few questions which popped into my head. I hate it when people tell me I'm crazy and that my children will grow up being disabled because of deficiencies. So I always tell them they are crazy too, as their kids are gonna grow up obese and with high blood pressure. Veganism is not a illness, its a cure!
I had a day away from the children, I missed them, which is lovely. I don't appreciate my children enough, they are little people with unique personalities. My son told me today I was beautiful and he loved me a lot. The best feeling ever, to have you children tell you they love you.
Heating is on, meaning bye bye summer. So to lift the spirits up, here goes a post of the most amazing treats, pancakes. We often have them for dinner. Dessert for dinner? Why not???
1. Coconut milk Crepe
they are the winners in our household. Soft and crispy on the edges.
what you need: (makes about 7 )
1 can of coconut milk ( i used canned milk for better taste)
1 banana ( ripe)
100 g of flour ( use speciality flours for gluten free)
3 tbs of oil or trx (melted)
in a blender put milk and banana, blend util smooth. then add oil and flour. Mix until its all combined and makes a smooth batter. I use crepe pan, but if you don't have one, ordinary frying pan will do just fine. Try to get them as thin as possible 9 it takes practise) We eat them with lemon juice and sugar or sliced banana and vegan caramel. recipe here
2. Apple and chia pancakes.
The best breakfast ever :) So easy to make ands delish.
What you need:
2 tbs of apple sauce
200 ml of any plant based milk ( i use almond or hazelnut)
2 tbs of oil
200 gr of flour ( for gluten free use speciality flours)
1 tsp of vegan baking powder.
3 tbs of chia seeds to sprinkle on top.
pinch of cinnamon
Mix milk with apple sauce until smooth, add flour and oil and mix again. then add cinnamon and baking powder. in you frying pan make a dollop of batter and roll the pan to spread it slightly, remember we are making pancakes not crepes. fry until golden. Serve with vegan caramel and sprinkle with chia. We also like adding blueberries.
Hope you all have a lovely day tomorrow. I'm of to bed.
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