I'm busy, busy busy. Book is coming along, its hard work but I'm absolutely in love with creating new recipes.
Finally settling in our new home, making friends and not feeling like an alien whenever I go out.
I have also established a new partnership with the amazing "All about Vegan food " site . www.allaboutveganfood.com
You can find my new recipes on there.
Started working on a new book, something completely different than what I'm used to write, but its very close to my heart.
New Year, new challenges, new beginnings.
This evening enjoy this lovely Tiramisu style dessert.

Finally settling in our new home, making friends and not feeling like an alien whenever I go out.
I have also established a new partnership with the amazing "All about Vegan food " site . www.allaboutveganfood.com
You can find my new recipes on there.
Started working on a new book, something completely different than what I'm used to write, but its very close to my heart.
New Year, new challenges, new beginnings.
This evening enjoy this lovely Tiramisu style dessert.

Tiramisu style dessert
For the sponge cake
- Chickpea water ( drained from one can or one jar)
- 2 tbs of self raising flour ( or for gluten free use tapioca )
- 3 drops of vanilla essence
For the filling
1. 1 cup of cashews (soaked overnight)
2. 2 tbs of fine coconut flakes (soaked with cashews)
3. 1/2 can of coconut milk
4. 2 large tbs of maple syrup
5. 1 tbs of agar flakes
6. 1 cup of water ( cold )
For decoration
- 1 tbs of grated vegan dark chocolate
For soaking
1/2 cup of good quality espresso coffee (cooled down)
Pre prep:
Soak cashews and coconut flakes
- Round cookie cutter
- blender
- 1 porcelain ramekin ( lined with cling film)
- very fine sieve of cheesecloth
- saucepan
- mixer
- flat baking tray lined with baking parchment
Preparation time 30 -45 min
Setting time : 2h
How to make it:
Sponge cake:
Preheat the oven to 180 C
In a large bowl whip chickpea water until foamy and stiff . Add vanilla and sprinkle flour. Fold the flour in. Line the flat baking tray with parchment paper. Pour the cake mix and let it spread naturally. Put in the oven and bake for 20 min or until golden brown. This sponge cake will be flat, and should be crispy on the top, just like the traditional sponge fingers covered in sugar. Keep an eye on your cake as vegan baking is not the same as ordinary baking. Once the cake is ready, remove from the oven and let it cool down.
In a saucepan heat up coconut milk and maple syrup. Bring to boil and put on very low heat, this should take about 15 min . It will turn into a caramel mass . You will need to stir it constantly, once its ready set aside.
In a blender put together drained cashews with drained coconut flakes. Add 1 cup of water. Blend until smooth . Using the cheese cloth or the fine sieve separate the pulp from the nutty cream. You should have approx. 1/2 cup of creamy substance.
Put your coconut caramel back on low heat. Add the nutty cream and mix together until completely combined and smooth. Once it has boiled , sprinkle the agar powder and mix vigorously. Take of the heat.
Using your round cookie cutter cut out 3 circles from your sponge cake. Prepare the ramekin, line it with cling film for easy removal. Soak each sponge circle in the espresso coffee. Put the first circle in the ramekin, then add 2 tbs of your creamy mixture. Add another spongy circle. Continue to assembly until you run out of your ingredients.
Transfer to the fridge for setting. This will approximately take 2 h but its best to do it for 4 up hours.
Once its ready remove from a ramekin and sprinkle with grated chocolate or sprinkle with cocoa powder.
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