


Little Helper :)

My children love to cook with me. And I love cooking with them. 

I don't have many memories from my childhood. Not many happy ones anyway. Our minds usually remember the bad stuff, which hoover over happy memories like black clouds. 

I want my children to remember me and the fun stuff used to do together. 

Over the weekend we made gnocchi, something I DO remember making with my mother. 

We had fun, there was lots of mess but the result was fantastic, delicious lunch and time well spend .

My son is not veggie crazy, not like my daughter, so any chance I can get veggies into him is a great chance.  We used ordinary potatoes, sweet potatoes, beetroots and avocado. My kids call it rainbow dumplings. 

I was criticised recently for my pictures not being professional enough. I want to clarify something, this blog is not in any means a way to make money, recipes are mine, they come from the heart, and I have a job and two children who I raise pretty much alone. Snapping fancy photographs isn't a priority. I try to make them nice by slightly editing them adding borders etc. But I learn from any feedback, good or bad so I will try to get those photos nicer :)

recipe for gnocchi below:

Rainbow Dumplings (Gnocchi )

What you need:

1 large sweet potato
2 medium size potatoes
1 medium beetroot
1 medium avodado
approx 8 cups of flour ( we used gluten free)

4 spoons of coconut oil or any vegetable shortening 
pinch of salt 

The first step I do the night before 

Cook the potatoes and beetroot until soft. Leave the avocado until you are ready to make the dumplings.
I cook them in their skins and peel just before I'm about to make the gnocchi .

Once you have your veggies cooked, peel the skin and mash them up. In separate bowls. 

So they look like this. 

Make them one by one, by adding approx. 2 cup of flour to each mash. I found that sweet potato takes more flour than any other. 

Add 1 tbs of your shortening ( i use soft coconut oil)and salt. Kneed until its smooth. It take approx. 10 min.
You should end up with 4 bowls of soft dough ( resembles play dough!!)

Put water on boil. You will need a large pan.

All its left its making the shapes. Roll a small amount and then press with a fork to make the pattern .They should look like this:

Once the water is boiling ( remember it has to boil) throw about 20 every time. Once they surface then cook for further 1 min and drain.

They are perfect served plain with a pinch of salt or with a sauce of your choice. 


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