But I also love it to be quick, tasty and real.
Quick is the most important part, as with work, two kids and being alone is pretty hectic.
Today I cooked the simplest dish, but I was amazingly tasty!
Noodle bowl!
What you need:
1 bunch of broccoli florets ( 1 cup)
3 large mushrooms ( sliced)
3 larde handfuls of fresh spinach ( use frozen if no fresh)
1 chopped garlic clove
chopped flat leaf parsley
1 handful of noodles (egg free Chinese noodles)
3 spoons of dark vegan soy sauce
2 spoons of olive oil
1. Put water in a large pan, bring to boil.
2. In a frying pan, heat up olive oil, throw in the chopped garlic, then broccoli, mushrooms and the spinach last. Shimmer for 10 min. Add soy sauce.
3. Put a handful of noodles , boil according to instructions on the packet. Mine took 5 min
4. Drain noodles, then rinse under cold water.
5. Put noodles in the frying pan and mix well , shimmer for further 5 min.
Once cooked, transfer to a pan and sprinkle with chopped parsley.
I love quick fixes when it comes to my food. So watch this space and more is coming!!
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